Prince Frederik of Denmark is currently on a hunting trip in Gribskov, “Denmark’s fourth largest forest.” Before this month, I had no idea that the Danish royals were such big hunters, but apparently Crown Prince Frederik is so enamored with hunting, he spends major money to go on exclusive big-game hunts in Germany and Austria. Which is where he reportedly met Genoveva Casanova, the Spanish-based Mexican actress. In October, Casanova and Frederik were photographed out and about in Madrid, enjoying a late night at a fancy restaurant and returning to Casanova’s apartment, where Fred likely spent the night. Just last week, Lecturas (a Spanish magazine) published the photos and timeline and that’s when the story broke. Since then, the Danish royal house hasn’t said anything… until now:

The Danish royal family has broken its silence on Prince Frederik’s alleged affair with socialite and philanthropist Genoveva Casanova.

In a statement, the Danish royals told the publication B.T. they “do not comment on rumors or insinuations.” Frederik and his wife Princess Mary are yet to comment on the speculation themselves.

The statement came after Spanish publication Lecturas published pictures and reported that, during a night out in Madrid, Frederik and Casanova visited a Pablo Picasso exhibit, walked through El Retiro Park, and went out for dinner while watching flamenco.

After publication of the report, Frederik and Mary put on a united front in public, hosting King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain, with Mary wearing a necklace featuring the initial “F,” which some commentators took as a statement of support for her husband.

In a statement to Hola magazine, Casanova said: “I flatly deny the statements that suggest a romantic relationship between Prince Frederick and me. Any statement of this type is not only completely untrue but also distorts the facts in a malicious manner. This is already in the hands of my lawyers, who will take care of the pertinent steps to protect my right to honor, truth and privacy.”

[From The Daily Beast]

I wonder about the PR strategy here, and I also wonder about how much of the royal family’s reaction is contingent on Princess Mary. If the alleged (!) affair came as a surprise to her, if she’s mad about it, if their marriage is in a bad place, that might be the reason for this stand-still. They’re all trying to figure out what to do and their reaction hinges on whether Mary wants a divorce. From what I can see, Mary isn’t making divorce moves, so maybe this is the royal house trying to ignore the story and see if it goes away in time.

— Lecturas (@Lecturas) November 7, 2023

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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