22 Kids & Counting star Sue Radford has shared her sadness after one of her sons revealed he's planning to leave the UK behind and move to Australia.

Sue, 48, and husband Noel, 54, starred in a Christmas special of their TV show 22 Kids and Counting, where they gave fans an insight into their crazy festive celebrations with their 22 children and numerous grandchildren.

During the episode, which aired on Sunday, 17 December, the couple's son Daniel, 24, announced he had decided to move Down Under after discovering he'd earn an incredible £60,000 per year with his new job.

Sue expressed her sadness over her son's decision to move so far away, but was still happy for him regardless, admitting that her children being happy is what matters most. The rest of the family also welcomed the news as they wished Daniel well with his new adventure.

There was also another surprise in store courtesy of Daniel. The 23 year old revealed to his parents that while he wil be leaving the UK for Australia, he had already booked a flight home for next December to ensure he could spend Christmas with his parents and siblings. Mum Sue was visibly delighted by the gesture as she smiled at her son.

It comes after Sue revealed two of her children – Chloe, 28, and Luke, 23 – have not spoken to one another for nearly 18 months following a fallout over frozen pies.

The mum-of-22 has turned to a trained intervention counsellor in a bid to get the two siblings talking again. She told how the pair fell out over a shelf of frozen pies at the family’s bakery and a huge row erupted.

The fallout, which featured in the family's TV Christmas special, saw Chloe and Luke ignore each other for months despite previously sharing a close relationship.

Sue told the Mirror: “To see them not speaking has been really, really hard. Especially as when we look back over the years and see how close Luke and Chloe were. But they are both very strong willed and stubborn.”

Her husband, Noel, added: "The longer it goes on, the harder it gets. There has been no backing down first. It’s not nice to see them not talking to each other."

In the Christmas special, Chloe arrived at the Radford family home with her daughter Mila to join in the celebrations, seemingly hinting she'd put the feud behind her as the entire family reunited in happy scenes.

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