Azealia Banks tells how getting cancelled is ‘cool’, free speech has only ever been reserved ‘for white men’ and feels we should all have guns

Azealia Banks is not one to shy away from sharing her controversial opinions to the world.

And in a recent interview, the American rapper, 32, has disclosed that she believes getting cancelled is ‘cool’ and believes that ‘white men’ have only ever had the power to speak freely.

Azealia also admitted that she thinks everyone should be able to have the use of guns.

Speaking to The Evening Standard, the rapper, in her own words, described herself as ‘the biggest f****** white d*** in the world’, because she speaks her own truth just like ‘white men’.

According to the publication, Azealia feels that due to the rapid speed in technology, it is making her ‘paranoid’ and got her ‘absolutely needing a gun’. 

Strong: Azealia Banks, 32, is not one to shy away from sharing her controversial opinions to the world

Controversial: The American rapper has disclosed that she believes getting cancelled is ‘cool’ and believes that ‘white men’ have only ever had the power to speak freely

She also praises the Gen Z for bringing out cancel culture, as it is her ‘biggest f****** blessing’.

The star admitted she feels all press is good press, regardless of what she says and feels that young people have given her ‘a second lease’ for resurfacing old clips of her out of context.

She said: ‘If you don’t get cancelled you’re not, like, cool’.

The last time Azealia come under the limelight was for posting a disturbing video of ‘digging her dead cut Lucifer up.’

She posted a gruesome video that appears to show her digging up her dead pet cat Lucifer and boiling it.

The rapper posted – and deleted – a disturbing set of clips in which she and another person exhume the bagged remains of her pet cat who died three months ago.

She explained in one of the videos to her 683,000 followers on Instagram: ‘A lot of you guys don’t know, Lucifer the cat died three months ago, and we had to put him in the ground, and we’re digging him up for the very first time. She’s coming back to life c****’

The first video shows her using her hands to claw in the soil to dig something up before pulling a large white bag out of the soil. 

Her opinion: Azealia also admitted that she thinks everyone should be able to have the use of guns

Not afraid to speak: Speaking to The Evening Standard , the rapper, in her own words, described herself as ‘the biggest f****** white d*** in the world’, because she speaks her own truth just like ‘white men’

Fears: According to the publication, Azealia feels the rapid speed in how technology is growing, is making her ‘paranoid’ and got her ‘absolutely needing a gun’

Unbothered: She also praises the Gen Z for bringing out cancel culture , as it is her ‘biggest f****** blessing’

She could be heard scatting before proudly declaring: ‘The cat… is in the bag.’

Banks captioned the post: ‘Lucifer 2009-2020. My Dear kitty. Thank you for everything. A legend. An icon. Forever a serval serve.’ 

The next video is even more grotesque as it shows her stirring a boiling pot of contents including what looked like a skull which she captioned ‘She’s ready’ before also deleting it. 

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