King Charles and Queen Camilla were fêted at Versailles last night, and today, they’re out and about in Paris. Charles made a speech in French to the French Senate, speaking at length about the Rugby World Cup, environmentalism and Ukraine. The Daily Beast pointed out that just as Charles was calling for more environmental responsibility, Rishi Sunak “abandoned or watered down key elements of Britain’s net-zero drive.” Charles also said: “Just as we stand together against military aggression, so must we strive together to protect the world from our most existential challenge of all—that of global warming, climate change and the catastrophic destruction of nature. Let us, therefore, cherish and nurture our entente cordiale.”

Last night, I read about all of the post-Brexit angst between the UK and France and how the Sunak government is really focused on soothing their European allies. That’s Charles’s task, and one which his mother would have done with a light touch, presumably. I have no idea if Macron or the French people are buying what Charles is selling, but sure. It’s an important trip for Charles and for Britain, especially since they really shot themselves in the d–k with Brexit. Oh, and the French senators gave Charles a PEN – he had to sign their book or whatever, and the photo of his face as he tried to negotiate another tangle with his nemesis (writing utensils) is so funny.

Brigitte Macron took Queen Camilla to the French National Library today as well. I hate that I’m always on Wig Watch, but the French First Lady wears a wig, non?? It honestly looks like Brigitte and Camilla would BOTH rather be day-drinking somewhere.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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