Mitch McConnell appeared to have another very concerning freeze-up during a second press conference on Wednesday.

The Senator from Kentucky went through this in late July, as you may recall. He was giving remarks to reporters on Capitol Hill when, without warning, his face appeared to hold in place and he was locked in a frozen position as cameras rolled. On Wednesday, at a media appearance in Covington, Kentucky, it happened again.

McConnell was addressing journalists at a local Chamber of Commerce event, according to media reports, when he abruptly appeared to blank out and freeze up in front of the cameras. Just like the concerning issue weeks ago on Capitol Hill, McConnell became unresponsive and stared straight ahead, appearing to zone out in a VERY unsettling way.

One of his aides jumped in to ask if the longtime Senator had heard a question from a reporter about running for re-election. But McConnell didn’t even appear to have heard that aide’s prompt, and stayed zoned out for another moment.


You can see the concerning video of the Senate’s top-ranking Republican freeze up again (below):


That was tough to watch. Obviously, one wonders if he was experiencing a medical episode or other health distress. That’s what everybody wondered about the first time this happened weeks ago, too. And now, after number two… ugh.

McConnell is 81 years old, and he’s represented Kentucky in the Senate since 1985, FYI.

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